you'll sing the song
you wanna know wat pain feels like?
Sunday, February 05, 2006
A Letter
Here is a letter.

Dearest littlepinkseal,

Hi, there are many things that i would want to say to you. There's a book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven. If you believe in it, then we'll all not know who the Five people are. They can all be so random. But I can say that I've met one of the Five People I Meet on Earth. And that's you my dearest friend. littlepinkseal. not only have you thought me the material side of life. but you've opened my eyes to that of being a better person for myself. and the selflessness of being a fren.

it makes me remourse for not being as good a friend. and for even betraying you. it hurts me deeply after going through everything. somebody whom i hold most dearly to besides my family, the only other person would have to be you. you're the only one who knows what i want. what i have to do even more clearly than me.

you're the only one who have been there for me every time. without fail. going thru all my happy times and all my sad times together. the bond that we have is special and unique. i'm sure i would never be able to find another friend like this. losing 10 others would not even amount to losing you.

it hurts me alot to know that you're feeling hurt. and i'm not able to do anything. and this is a very akward situation. for watever have happened. and now for me wanting to do something for you and even make you happy. i'm doing everything i can now to ensure that i do not repeat the same mistakes again. do allow me to do what a friend is supposed to do. let me talk to you. let me be your listening ears. let me have the chance to be who i was. who i was to you. and who i was to myself. please let me have the chance.

This is for you, my best friend,
the one person i can tell my soul too
Who can relate to me like no other
Who I can laugh with to no extents,
Who I can cry too when times are tough,
Who can help me with the problems of my life.

Never have you turned your back on me
Or let me down
You told me I wasn't good enough when i really wasn't good enough

I don't think you know what that means to me
You have went through so much pain and you still have time
For me.
And I love you for listening even when inside YOU are dying
And I look up too you because you are strong,
and caring
and beautiful.
Even though you don't think you are.

And I hope you know that I am always here
To listen to you laugh and cry and help
In all the ways that i can
And I will try to be at least half the friend you are
To me.

I hope you know I would not be the person I am today, with out you.
My best friend.

From the bigblackdog

This is all that i'm posting for today. i'm still hoping for the call. hoping.....

posted by bobby @ 11:21 PM  
  • At 6:38 PM, Blogger lin said…

    settle your own prob bbd. lps can takes good care of herself and will stay strong and be happy soon!

    will call you soon before i leave for hk.


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Name: bobby
Home: Dorset, Island, Singapore
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