you'll sing the song
you wanna know wat pain feels like?
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
just another day.
no matter how late i leave the house. i'll still end up as the 2nd person to reach the office. weird aint it? i have no idea what time my deputy director reaches the office but he is inhuman... hits the office so early... stays inside... and still inside when i leaves for home.

anyway, something rare happened to me last night. i reached home at about 6. had my dinner and started playing my game. yes... the one tat i spent a total of about 30 hours playing over the weekend. its highly challenging and addictive. and kudos to u if u're right~ its about soccer... yea yea... go on about guys and soccer.. and yes.. guys... envy me tat i'm so free and stuff...

back to the topic.. then my bro came home and demanded to use the computer and wun be done till the next day he claims. the 'arrrrghhh' feeling overcame me. fine den. i shall use the computer in my room. which in case u dint know is slower den me running the 100m sprint. its the most irritating thing ever to use. but no choice. time check 7.20pm. i started up the computer. and since it was in my room. its natural that the 'jus wanna take a short nap' feeling came over me. yea. the liver coverage of the liverpool match will only come on at 8.40pm. so why not.

and the next thing i know. its 6.15am the next day! what the f%^ man!! i had totally no recollection of whatever that happened the night b4. yea great. and the best part? i woke up with a niggling headache which is still bothering me now as i'm typing. whoever said sleeping more then 10hrs were great?

hate it when this kinda things happen. becos i spent one whole meaningless day in the office. the best thing i can look forward to when i'm back home is jus to chat with my friends online. complain about being so sianz. tell people some jokes. listen to some jokes. listen to people complain about being sianz. haha. these small moments actually make my day. and no... i aint no internet junkie. i just like talking and sharing with my friends.. and i missed all my chn 55 shows. missed my liverpool match. missed the news. missed everything else.

sigh. come on. console me.

oh yea. had this dream. or rather a nightmare. haven had one in a long time. guess my sleep was too long and my brain was jus getting bored. i like to tell my friends about my dreams. in fact i think i have the most audacious dreams at times as many would know. this time... all i remember was some rolly polly indian woman was at my doorsteps trying to sell me something. and i was in this super pissified mood. maybe cos deep inside my brain i was already pissed off i missed so many things cos i slpt so early. k..

i was scolding and scolding her for dunno wat reasons. but in the end i bought something from her. weird. its all in the dream. then i gave whatever i bought her to my sis. and suddenly my sis got the shock of her life.. its was this super scary image. even i got shocked. and that's all i could remember from my dream. haha.. sorry.

but i think the sleep shud be a good enuff recharge for me to hang on till the end of the week. sleeping jus 5hrs every weekday just dun really seem like such a good idea. i need a day to recharge after all. and sitting in the office whole day may not seem like such a physically demanding job but it sure is mentally draining. kills brain cells like neo kills agent smiths...

*whispers* i've imported quite a few songs frm my desktop to my office com. makes life sitting here so much easier with my cool music.

will be back to blog more. i'm addicted! haaaa...
posted by bobby @ 8:15 AM  
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Name: bobby
Home: Dorset, Island, Singapore
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