you'll sing the song
you wanna know wat pain feels like?
Monday, March 12, 2007
had a great weekend.. a great day.... so i think i should be feeling happy... so the weird thing is... i'm feeling something else. something else that i haven felt in a long time. its a weird feeling. how do i even describe it? it's like wanting more of something... and something you're not gonna get...

emotions.. sometimes i jus hate it. why? cos i'm too emotional. can't i jus be simple and be happy? why do i need to complicate things and make it such that i end up having these weird feelings. i'm emotional but yet most of the time these emotions are kept deep down inside the deepest part of myself. rarely do i let it out. and when they're filling me all the way up.. it's like having a luggage which is too full and u can't zip it up. the only way to do it.. is to sit on it.. beat it down... whack it so hard so that all the stuffs inside are compressed. yea.. that's the way things are at the moment i guessed. i feel stuffed.... if you jus throw me into water now.. i'm so gonna drown...

posted by bobby @ 7:50 PM  
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Name: bobby
Home: Dorset, Island, Singapore
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