you'll sing the song
you wanna know wat pain feels like?
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
had quite a difficult day to pass in the afternoon yesterday. somehow time just seemed to come to a standstill. it defied all movements. not wanting to move. just staying there. And when 530pm finally came, the relief it gave me bordered on ecstasy.

just went to collect all the mails and other stuffs and made deliveries to the people in my department. yea. feel so important man. its like without me. they won't even get all their documents man. and also their magazines. and also their whatever else appear in the mail. its like their asses are so stuck to the chair.. they really need people like me to bring around their things. they cannot go over to the mail box... which is about maybe less den a minute walk away to check if they've got anything for them and pick it up for themselves. asking a poor chap to collect EVERYTHING and bring it back to his desk.. and then distribute them one by one seems like a much better idea to all of them. hey, Mr. Poor Chap here has his blog to type man. and u guys keep bothering him.

the funniest thing. one fella keeps bugging ME to go and BUG another person to send her letters and magazine in ASAP. hmmmm... does Mr. Poor Chap have that i'm much more superior in BUGGING people then most people look? do Mr. Poor Chap really sound more professional when he says 'u better send in my letters and magazines before go in there, twist your head like a lemon, squeeze you like a lime, and eat you like a grape!!' ? maybe i do. but i dun really like this fact. well.... this hierarchy system sucks man. especially when you're like the smallest life form around. bow to the great. respect all that is above. hmmmm. but the only pro as compared to all the cons is that you're such a small life form... people sometimes don't even wanna care about you. so you're just bothering on the equatorial system of existing and surviving.

from where i left off, i left the office and went to meet xl for dinner. i just love it when people come down to meet me for dinner! it's like nothing better can happen man. even though i'm sick of this area... but the good news is that i aint sick of my friends! so get the hint? do drop by for dinners with me okay? haha. but anywhere central will be good for me too. i'm in such a good geographic position i'm almost like singapore on the world map.

lemme explain. two important places. my office. and my home. and if i go out.. it'll be the all important going out place. and most of the time going out places are somewhere central. orchard, city hall, bugis. these are the 3 most prominent places tat i can think of. and these 3 places. are all near the two important places. which makes going there easy. and going home easier. and since i'm such an avid cab taker... this will seriously reduce the chances of me being tempted to wave my hand about on the roadside. and anywayz. taxi queues for cabs on wkday nights are sometimes very very horrible.

on the topic of travelling. i've just. and only jus realised that i can actually save on transport fees. i take the bus 2 times per day. 20 days per month. est $1.40 per day. $28 permonth. jus for work. plus wkends. it will come up to about $40 at most? i can actually take the free shuttle bus from KK hospital to Novena Sq in the morning to work. and maybe i can be hardworking and take a stroll home after work. will be quite gd pre dinner exercise as well.. but i'm jus the sort of lazy shit with too big an ass to move.

YEA... and i met xl and we decided on having the famous 'opposite novena church' chicken rice. how famous can the chicken rice be when it's known as the one 'opposite novena church'? but its famous man... if u dint know.. now u do. and it means its famous. HAAAA.. deny me man.... u can't!! cos now u know about the famous 'opposite novena church' chicken rice. it was asss kicking chicken rice man. shoik. makes me feel like eat macdonalds later man. but i'm so so broke!!! damn it.... sigh. i wanna eat the fold over thing. arrrghhh.. decided. i'll go over and eat the fold over later. and end off the meal with milk from cold storage. yea man. temptation takes over. why do i always allow that? hack......

after kicking some ass at the chicken rice table.. we went down to shop around for awhile at novena sq. 'AGAIN?!' u might say. 'who cares' i say. saw a nice bag and a nice pair of shoes at the addidas shop there. but like i mentioned. i'm broke. i soooo cannot pamper myself. i need pampering. haaa.. haven really bought anything for myself in a long time. ok.. discounting my handphone which was a major pampering job already. but tat doesn't count. cos its a handphone. which is like my wife now by the way. i'll jus break down and cry if it goes low bat or doesn't work.

the shoe is cool and i can use the bag for work man... haaa.. haaa.. haaaa.. damn... this aint working. trying to get it out of my system but i still keep thinking about it.

oh ya. i forwarded a msg yesterday claiming that fishes are sick and disgusting. and telling people not to buy. THAT WAS SOOO WRONG. i got chilled by so many people man. gosh. a lesson learnt~ i officially apologize now to all those affected by my sms. its was a stupid and childish sms to forward. The relevant officials will surely see to the health level and safety of the food that they allow into singapore. Please do not hesitate to buy seafood or fishes k? but they might jus be a tab more expensive nowadays due to the shortage of them.

i'll be back to blog more later i guess.. haven concluded what i wan to say yet. but gotta go down soon.

i'm back from lunch. i had what i wanted. grilled chicken foldover, and soya bean, and a game of arcade.

this is about 55mins after i typed that previous sentence. i went to photocopy one whole book. about 250 pages. and went to bind it after tat. man........ it was tiring. thank god there was no paper jam. no ink or watever technical stuffs.. haha... i would have took forever to fix it man. and i'm like the only guy in my whole department now.. sheesh. that won't really help my cause in saying i'm not good at technical stuffs.

back to my first story. finished the ass kicking chicken rice. and then proceeded to walk around novena sq. walk walk walk.. den she had to go back to sch. den i went home. played my computer game AGN. and den my sister had to use the com. i was like what the hell.

i cudden go on arguing man. i'm bound to lose. haa.. she had to discuss project with her frenz. fine den. and then this suddenly magical urge came over me..........

i decided to go for a jog.

changed into my gear... and off i went. its was about 45mins NON-STOP jogging. quite an accomplishment for myself considering the fact that i've been bumming around for the longest of time. it felt really really good after the run. no joke man. at the end of it i was thinking i could still go on man. realised jogging is a good good time to sort out your thinking. you're by yourself.. jus running and moving your legs. nothing else. and of cos the occasional motivation that you give yourself. don't ask me what's mine. it sounds stupid. haa.. aint gonna share it here man..

so i jus ran n ran n ran.. and thought of alot of things. my time back in PA aka tracom. where i used to jog with my mates. can jog sing song and talk cock together. they were damn good motivators man.. haa... i know its a tad late. but here's my new year resolution man!! to go jogging at least twice a week! yea! simple resolution but a rather hard one to accomplish.. so that's where the motivation part will have to come in.

so that was my day. its midweek now. quite fast if u come to think of it. maybe cos i've got something to look forward to. Gonna go meet the fockers tmr!!! yea.. its always best to have something to look forward to at the beginning of the week. it really somehow makes the whole week so much easier to pass.. =)

posted by bobby @ 9:44 AM  
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Name: bobby
Home: Dorset, Island, Singapore
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