Anonymous said... Hi, I was just blog surfing and found you! I just stopped to say hello, I am a horse racing enthusiast it may not be of interest to you but if it is then this may be good Payment not a related site. It isnt anything special but you may still find something of interest.
just after i posted my previous post. this joker came and left this comment.
just because i witnessed a horse's wienner errecting he think's that i shud be interested in horse racing now... have no idea wat link it is. haven checked it out yet. still in office now. hurhur.
oh ya. hurhur is supposed to be the higher class of heehee. and ROFL and LMAO is considered lower class.
and i had a damn strange dream. i dreamt that '^_^' was threatening me to marry her. and tied me up in a church and she was holding a chainsaw. WTH MAN!! extreme. and i had no idea why i did not agree... heehee... i mean maybe it's only in my next life that a girl will actually threaten me to marry her man...
hurhur... u idiot! what's with the ^_^. =p anyway, consider yourself lucky k!!