you'll sing the song
you wanna know wat pain feels like?
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
yes, it's freezing cold this couple of days. COLD!!! not that i dun like it. i do.. i genuinely prefer having to wear a tshirt at home, then to sit down do nothing and start sweating due to the heat. even the fans at home can be rested! HAHA! but its my over sensitive nose that's having issues with the weather. it clogs up. not only in th morning now, but also in the afternoon!! cos they're having 'morning weather' in the afternoon as well!

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another thing is that i have to go and pee much more frequently. and it's really quite irritating to having to leave ur seat every half hourly to visit the toilet with a block nose. and the pair of shoes i wear to work is drenched daily by the walking in the rain. which means it's like never getting dry. and wearing not dry shoes to work SUCKS!! i dunno about you, but i'm very particular about feeling comfortable down there.. as in feet lar!! the moist and damp feeling whenever i put my feet into my shoes sucks!

Not to mention the 'SQUEEK SQUEEK SQUEEK' sound whenever i takke a step. WAHHHH... it's totally not awesome man.


WCG was over the weekend. but i dun think it was THAT interesting. no games that i play. booo. Dota dint make it as i guessed there were still too many bugs and fixes in the game and Warcraft 3 might be a more strategic game which allows more playablity in a tournament. Winning Eleven wasn't included as well. instead it was Fifa 2006 or 2005? i dunno. but come on man. there's no way Fifa can compete with Winning Eleven. Perhaps it cos Fifa is under Xbox. No PS2 games were around in the WCG. is Xbox really gonna start dominating? i'm still hoping that Sony do come up with a nice marketing strategy to help PS3 fight back and regain it's prominence in the gaming world.

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The Great PS3 vs The not so Great Xbox 360

Counter Strike was included! but i played it like 5 years ago? haha.. i'm not tat hardcore a gamer. at least my com doesn't allow it. it's much too weak for hardcore gaming. i'll just stick to my amateurish Dota skills and my retiring ps2 for more fun and games. =)


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Sexpo was over the weekend. They attracted 17,000 people less den the target. 43k instead of the targeted 60k. Anyway, BETH!! u're on the new paper!! or at least your backview.. or at least i think it is your backview. ok, not even the backview, the back of ur head. so its your backhead view.. so let me do it again. BETH!! ur backhead view is on the new paper!! but u're in israel now having fun with all the israelis.. so it doesn't really matter if ur backhead view is on the papers huh?

Quite a happening weekend huh? many many things happening in our tiny island. but i wasn't involved in any of them. went for the long one's 21st... and went to belt it out with my chummy buddy. and both days i somehow ended up at Hitachi Towers. dunno why. hmmmm. maybe its a sign. i might end up working there.

arrrghhh.. stupid damp shoes.....
posted by bobby @ 1:16 PM  
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  • At 12:12 AM, Blogger insanityiscreativity said…

    I hate rainy days. I hate carryin a brolly i hate getting my pants wet and i hate the slow traffic.

    Man the new ps3 and the xbox looks similar man. All metallic. And previously they were both black. How uninteresting.

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Name: bobby
Home: Dorset, Island, Singapore
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