you'll sing the song
you wanna know wat pain feels like?
Friday, January 13, 2006
You'll Sing the Song
Hi everyone, sorry for the pissing and irritating previous sad post. but now i'm back. i am going to talk about one of my pastimes. KTV-ing. rather expensive but can be cheap depending on the timing and day which you go. i think this answers the question many asked me. ''Why your blog name ''you'll song the song'' ?

KTV or Karaoke has been around for a long long time. But it has only picked up recently as those companies are smart and they are now 'family-lising' it. So now KTV is a healthy hobby but not that healthy on the wallet. Just as recent as about 6 to 7 years ago, it was still a very 'sleazy' activity. Tell people that you're going to a KTV people will think of alchohol, hostess and an environment filled with smoke and drunk old men.

I picked up KTV as early as 6 years old. Primary 1. Biggest influence was my Dad. i think he loves singing even more then i do. His collection of medals and trophies from taking part in those community centers KTV competition bears no equal i suppose. At least to my own knowledge. it's massive. He used to bring the family to this little 'meeting room' where he and his colleagues meet in the evenings for a karaoke session. I was young. i did not like to go at all. but like i said i was young so i had no say in anything. I sat there listening to him and his colleagues about twice every week. Sometimes he will 'force' me to sing as well, to 'amuse' his colleagues. now that i think of it, i machiam clown. but that was ok. I was like a superstar. haha.

Sometimes when he feels like it, he'll bring us to this KTV in a community center. and there, he always makes me sing with him. and KTV in community centers had no rooms. All u do is to choose ur song and go up on the mini-stage to sing. So that was my first exposure. cool eh?

As i grew older, i stopped going. But after finding a couple of friends in secondary school who had this common interest, i started going again. Our regular place was this little karaoke pub in Lucky Plaza. It was 1999, There was still no family KTVs around. of cos the technology wasn't there as well. It was a disc jockey. and several clear folder files. you choose the song you want, write the 'number' of the song on a slip of paper and pass it to the DJ. They are usually Ah Bengs with long hair long sideburns long wallets and a long comb.

Not long after that came the boom of KTVs and slowly... everyone else also caught the fever. and i can understand why. And now that everyone's caught the fever, many people goes to KTVs and 'show off' their voices. all you want is to go there relax and have a good time. However, there exist many many irritating people who threatens to spoil your KTV outing. Below, i've listed down 8 undesirable KTV traits. people who are all out to piss you off.

8 Undesirable KTV Traits

1. Mic Hogging

Mic Hogging simply means somebody singing non-stop like he or she is the only person in the room. He or she thinks that everybody else shares the same amount in the bill just to listen to him or her sing. Regardless of any songs that appear, this person knows how to sing it. and WANT to sing it. He or she thinks that nobody else can sing as well and the whole world just sits there and listen. Simply put, the worst kind of person to go to a KTV with. Avoid at all cost.

2. Inserting Songs

Imagine going with a big group of friends. and you've waited for a long time for ur song to come. Finally, its the next song. So you turn your head and tell the fren beside you that u're very excited and you're going to do your best to sing. And when u turn ur head back to the screen, you suddenly see a motherfucking big list of songs appearing above yours and pushing your song all the way down the pecking order. And the person who added them says that all these songs are damn nice... and ask everybody to listen to him or her sing and see if it's nice. See already also feel like going home already.

3. Mega Song List

you go into the room and puts down your bag, take a look at the drinks menu, think of what you are going to drink, think of what songs u wanna start with first and before you know it, the first song starts and when you stare at the song list, it about as long as the Great Wall of China. A small consolation when this occur... you can start on the tibits and peanuts and finish all of them before you get ur first song.

4. Singing Together

You requested for this special song. It's the perfect love song and you're very good at it. The girl you've been wanting to go out with is also present in the room. This is your best chance to impress her. And just before the song starts. Some irritating guy in the room takes the other mic and says ''eh, sing together leh, i like this song also.'' You think ''fuck, sing together with this 'kill chicken voice' guy sure cannot impress girl one' so you ask him to sing the first part while you sing the 2nd part in an attempt to be nice and also salvage the situation. but then he answer ''sing together lar, i not sure how to sing, but i like the song'' you'll might wan to consider murdering him.

5. Repeating Songs

There are many million songs available. But this person keeps playing the same song over and over again. PEK CEK AHHH!! it's gonna be a boring time. did you bring ur ipod?

6. Singing with slang

Those fellas sing ang moh songs, try to give the ang moh slang. But worst thing is dun sound like ang moh. Sound like some chicken. very turn off.

7. Don't Sing

This is the perfect person to go to a KTV with person (1) (2) (3). But if you're none of the above, you'll find this person slightly irritating. Cos this person is just sitting there no doing anything. And you feel abit bad too. come all the way here and eat peanut? outside peanut much nicer lor. And there are times when you sing too much you cannot take it already. This person still dun wan to sing. haiya.

8. Fart in Mic

You're singing with one of the mic, the song goes into the music with no lyrics. Suddenly u hear a weird sound ''plak plak peet peet proooott pooott..'' and then got bass somemore. knn.......

but rest assured i'm not any of the above. so KTV anyone??

posted by bobby @ 3:45 PM  
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Name: bobby
Home: Dorset, Island, Singapore
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