you'll sing the song
you wanna know wat pain feels like?
Thursday, January 05, 2006
A New Year
my first post for the new year. been away for more then a few days i realised. hope u guys missed me. many things happened from when i last blogged and now. too many to be elaborated.

played the 26th on 31st Dec morning. victory to us 7 - 4. Bobby Pua ghosted in behind the defense and scored the last goal of 2005 in the last minute of play with a powerful headed effort and the goalkeeper helpless to stop it. well done. of cos credits to James for playing in the cross.

this was followed up by a not so fantastic last afternoon of 2005. Lunch with fellow Team SJI members (only brandon and pravin was there) was fantastic. Chomped down on meatballs and salmon at Ikea after a marvellous effort by brandon to spot a table after 15mins of hovering around the cafe.

disaster was to strike after lunch. this earth shattering rain began. we alternated between Ikea and Anchorpoint while waiting for the rain to stop. Legs were aching after a morning of heart thumping soccer action. But determined to fulfill our primary objective of gaming at Queensway Shopping Centre, we walked on in the hope of the rain ending. Fortune favoured the determined, or so we thought, when the rain stopped. and we scurried over to Queensway Shopping Centre. Finally, we can sit down, have a drink, play some games and talk some cock comfortably. Time check 4.30pm. We reached the shop. Only to be informed that they were closing at 5pm.

This funny chap at the counter said ''Errrr, we're closing at 5pm. I need to count down also you know?''

pravin was fugging pissed after this. it was his idea but this trying to be funny chap said the sentence which destroyed us literally. so did fortune favour the determined?

FUCK YOU UNDERSTAND. you need not add in the last line. it somehow degraded your intelligence. tat's if u had any. As all people with the slightest hint of intelligence would know, count down to the new year would start 10 seconds before 12am. where people would start going ''10, 9, 8, 7........ 0!!! *dance hop ard screams happy new year*'' this is the standard procedure that i noticed in my 21, soon to be 22, years of existence on this earth.

So you could have closed your shop at 1159pm and still be able to count down. Let's say you're happening and u're going to sentosa or expo for some countdown party. You can close the shop at 7 and still go and countdown. bah. i'm jus sore that i dint get to play, so are my foot.

but this series of unfortunate events doesn't end there. it started raining agn. braved the rain to the busstop, where i travelled all the way to tampines after that for my family bbq wet and with a bad headache. been travelling alot. but well.. it was a nice and cosy affair. reached home at 11. and counted down while watching liverpool trying to come back against bolton. that was the last few seconds of 2005.

posted by bobby @ 10:25 AM  
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Name: bobby
Home: Dorset, Island, Singapore
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