you'll sing the song
you wanna know wat pain feels like?
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Chihiro Onitsuka
went cd shopping. so dun say that i'm the pirate king. i bought 2 cds. 2 CDs!!! no discount no promotion from HMV.

this is the first album that i grabbed.

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Chihiro Onitsuka - the ultimate collection

Marvellous. She has the voice of an angel. A voice that can soothe and calm you down anytime of the day. a perfect example of an audiophile voice. She doesn't do jazz.. just ballads, slow songs which touches your heart. with just a piano accompanying. nothing fancy. just the voice. if u're in search of a voice to touch you or music to calm you down, you've gotta listen to her. In fact, everyone shud listen to her. =)

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Orange Range - Natural

2nd album i bought Orange Range - Natural. They have got happy songs. Probably the closest to describe them is jap punk rock. However they've got their distinct style.. very happy. i like! =)

and of cos i went to check out 'The Brilliant Green' u must be thinking why i dint buy them since i was talking so much about them in my previous post. But the whole of HMV only carried one of their album!! so much for HMV being the most comprehensive cd shop around.. and that only album they had.... was $72. that's abit too much for me. ha! oh well... better luck next time i hope....

posted by bobby @ 9:50 PM  
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